21 July 2009

Blackest Night #1

Okay, so it's been a full week. Again, my computer is still broken, so my online time is limited, these days.

Anyhow. Blackest Night, in case you've been living under a rock, is DC's big crossover event for 2008. Over the last couple of years, we have been introduced to an entire spectrum of lanterns, including the Sinestro Corps (Yellow; representing Fear), the Red Lanterns (Red; Rage), the Blue Lanterns (Blue; Hope), Agent Orange (Orange; Avarice), and the Star Sapphires (Violet; Love). Of course, we all know the Green Lanterns (Green; Will), and, thus far undiscovered by the inhabitants of the DCU are the Indigo Tribe (Indigo; Compassion).

Well, Blackest Night adds to the tasty rainbow of Lantern-y goodness by introducing us to the Black Lanterns (Black; Death). One of the Guardians has found the Book of Oa relating to the Black Light of Death, and has resurrected the Black Hand to do his bidding; Create an army of Lanterns that are made of the fallen heroes and villains in the DC Comics Universe. And what an army the Black Hand has crafted: In his army are former Justice League members such as the Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, the Elongated Man and his late wife Sue Dinby, Firestorm, and a slew of others. The Black Hand, meanwhile, has taken Bruce Wayne's skull, and is carrying it around as a symbol.

The recently-returned Flash, Barry Allen, and Hal Jordan, Green Lantern Corps member 2814-1, investigate the grave of Bruce Wayne, where they are interrupted by the Black Lantern Martian Manhunter. Meanwhile, Hawkgirl and Hawkman are talking about their relationship with each other that involve events that I have no earthly idea about (insert argument for caption boxes with asterisks, here). Suddenly, they are attacked by the Elongated Man and Sue Dinby. Will the Hawkpeople fall, or will they... Rise?

While this is just the first issue of the eight-issue mini (plus the GL and GL Corps book tie-ins), and I had a pretty good idea of what it was we were going to see, I have to admit that I didn't see the attack on Hawkgirl and Hawkman coming at all, and the end result of that fight has me on the edge of my seat for the upcoming issues.

The pencil work by Ivan Reis is gorgeous, if possibly a bit over-rendered. Everybody is easily distinguishable from each other (and in a comic filled with armies of people wearing the same-colored outfits, that's a big concern), and I wasn't left wondering what was going on in any panels. Good times, right there.

If you have even a passing interest in the DC Universe, I would definitely recommend checking out Blackest Night #1; Everything you absolutely HAVE TO know is given in the issue, and it leaves some sweet setup for the next issue.

15 July 2009

Quick Reviews

My apologies, dear readers, for the lack of updates. My computer has decided it no longer wishes to operate correctly, so my Internet access has been cut rather drastically over the last few weeks.

To make up for that, here are some quick reviews of some things I've been reading:

- Gotham City Sirens: In a word? INCREDIBLE. This is THE best thing to come from the Batman: Reborn stories, thus far. Of course, Paul Dini writing Harley, Ivy, and Catwoman is a recipe for awesome. And the art's gorgeous, too.

- Green Lantern 36, 38-41, Green Lantern Corps 32-38 (We're completely sold out of GL issue 37): Good times, right here. The Rage of the Red Lanterns, Hal Jordan becoming a Red Lantern, and then half a Blue Lantern, and then dealing with Agent Orange and becoming an Orange Lantern... and finally, the origin of the Black Hand leading into Blackest Night. If you've missed any of the issues, I'd definitely recommend picking them all up to get caught up before heading into Blackest Night #1, which came out today.

- Oh My Goddess! vol. 1-3: A sweet, adorable manga series about a college kid who wishes for help and gets his own personal Goddess. The girl in you will love it.

- X-Men: Forever 1-3: Still an interesting change on what happened to the X-Men comics in the early 90s, but I still question "why" this series exists, other than just for the sake of releasing Claremont's scripts. But, for now, it's fun, so I'm gonna keep reading.

- Detective Comics #854: Batwoman is pretty cool. I know nothing about her except what's in this issue, but I'm on board for the next few issues, for sure.

- Red Robin #2: Not really where I wanted to see the series go, but I'll stick with it for a couple more issues.

I'll be back later this week with a review of Blackest Night #1!