- Marvel Divas #1: The premise for this book sounded so terrible that I HAD to check it out. Pretty much, the entire book is Black Cat, Hellcat, and Monica Rambeau gossiping about their relationships, until Firestar finally shows up on the last page, with a startling reveal!
- Gotham City Sirens # 1-2: Paul Dini, the head writer of the 90s Batman: The Animated Series is writing a book about Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman. It doesn't sound SUPER-great, until you realize, holy crap, Paul Dini totally is writing this. And Guilliem March draws some nice-looking ladies, I must say.
- Dark Wolverine #75-76: Not sure where this is going, but that might be why it was so fun. Daken is playing everybody, from Bullseye/Hawkeye to Norman Osborn to the Fantastic Four, for his own nefarious purposes. But to what end? I'm on board for the remainder of Daken's stay.
- Ultimatum #5: Well, if Marvel wanted to hit the big cosmic "reset" button on the Ultimate Universe, killing off half of the most important characters in the regular Marvel U is certainly an interesting way of doing it. Too bad Jeph Loeb hasn't been able to write his way out of a paper bag in the last few years. Finch's pencils fit the story very well, though. I'm curious to see where they go from here - With so many of Marvel's traditional Big Bads getting killed off in this series, where does the Ultimate Comics line go from here? Apparently, back to the future with Kang...
- Essential Wolverine Volume 3: Thought I'd go back and check out some old Wolverine stories, written by Larry Hama and drawn by Marc Silvestri. Man, no wonder Logan was so popular in the early 90s. Issues 48-54 are incredible, if a bit more sci-fi and surreal than today's comics tend to get. Say what you will about the lack of color in the Essential volumes, but looking at just Dan Green's inks over Silvestri's pencils (and Andy Kubert's, in issue 51) really shows the talent that both men have.
- Deadpool: Suicide Kings #1-4: Holy crap, this is awesome! I always forget how much fun Deadpool comics can be until I sit down and read them. Terrible puns a-plenty, dismemberment, and violence as far as the eye can see! And in the middle? Deadpool and Spider-Man talking smack to each other. I'm looking forward to #5, and may need to start checking out Deadpool more frequently, now.
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